Friday 17 January 2014

production log

Production Log

We had an opportunity to watch five road safety video clips presented by Cleveland fire brigade. Then we analysed the clips and our college group talked about visuals, techniques, content, and editing ect…

We had a class room discussion with Andy and we discussed about week points and good points of video clips and everybody came up with new and creative ideas. Whole class accepted that road safety video clips should be more creative and attractive with a strong message on road safety.

The following week we were asked to make our own video script as a power point presentation to deliver to the Cleveland fire brigade team.

We delivered our presentation individually and comments were given by the team and Andy was represented as a member of the audience.

After one week we were asked to make our group video and Myself, Lesley and Cavan were nominated for a group. While we were working toward to a team production sometimes we lost our communication with each other and finally Cavan filmed a video and he edited it by himself. Then Lesley and I together produced a video clip and Lesley done camera and I work with her as a co- editor and the producer.

However, after participating and completing some piece of video work, now I am confidence to write a script, story board, shooting, and camera technique, editing and producing a video clip. I hope to continue this work in the future.

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