Saturday 1 March 2014

Access to higher education Media studies 2013/14
27/02/2014 Hema S. Ayupala
Shake the world

I.      Summary

This is a collaborative music video production produced by the department of Media studies, Middleborough College. Performances done by the students of college music department.  This DVD includes four music groups’ presentations and each group presentation last for 20 minutes. The main purpose is making this Music production was to promote the outcomes of music students in the college. And this video production will raise funds for the future live performances of students in the college.

The end result of the production is a music DVD last for 80 minutes. Each song last for minimum 3 minutes 30 seconds and maximum 4mintes. Camera shots and angles were done beautifully in order to promote the video. Editing techniques were used to create a real sense of the lyrics and performances. It is true that the music video has justified the outcome of the proposal and this will be a milestone for the production team, music department and entire college.

Total cost for the production was £4600.00.  This will be paid by the client once we hand over the production.

This was a team production and all the team members worked together with a plan and within a time schedule. Everybody was aware about their duty and the responsibility. The production is successful and the highly recommended by the client.


The mission of our organization is to provide quality video production to our clients. We believe that doing this as a practice it will be a benefit for our audience as well. Our we always try to respect the taste of our audience.,

The intention of making this video is to promote the college music groups. This will be a continuous process throughout the year and there will be two video productions per year from Middlesbrough College. The final production will be recorded as DVD and will be issued to the music market. Also, it will be available as downloadable    version and from you tube.


Always our target audience is youth over 16 to 30. But it is not a barrier for the other audience to have the taste as our production has proved it already from the past experience. Our organization has a reputation by making music video for different organizations.  We have been maintaining our credibility without any ill fame. We always are aware about the ethical and legal procedures when we work with the public and young children.

Length of a video clip will last for 20 minutes. However, shooting will be continuing with the show and whole show will be recorded. It would be bit difficult to cover the whole show without any disturbances as it is going to be a live show.  Sometimes, audience will be making distractions while the show is going on. Using two cameras and photography director will be handling the camera to get a quality outcome.  
Yes, there were some distractions while we do some live event around the college for past events. However they were overcome successfully as we use the best editing techniques.
This might not be an impact for the target audience as we can do our best effort to get a quality production through our editing. However, it might be a problem for surrounding people when we do our camera shooting. We have to be aware that surrounding people are comfortable with our equipments handling.

II.     Goals/Objectives

·       Goal 1: promote Middleborough college music performers and performances
·       Goal 2:   produce a music video CD
·       Goal 3: create the public interest and goodwill for the work that students are doing the college.

III.   Procedures/Scope of Work

I need to recruit a staff to get the work done on time with a good quality. Therefore, the staff should be capable to do their job. Two cameramen/women will be recruited. I will be working as the director and Lesley Dixon will be the producer and Maimona will be working as the director of photography. Editing will be doing by Lesley Dixon, Maimona and I.

We don’t need to get further more training as already we have enough experience working as a video crew. However, we will be meeting for few discussions in the future to finalize the process. We will do a location rehearsal before the actual performance day.  In this step we will identify the camera locations and the lightning facilities that can be available for the final event.


Description of Work
Start and End Dates
Phase One
Finalize the relevant task for each responsible person including script, camera shot
Meet the performers and get an idea about their actual performances and get information about their own expectation about the music video. (per-production
04/03/2014 to  15/03/2014
Phase Two
Oder camera equipments, transport booking, develop the proposal ,
Watch rehearsal of performance and get a clear idea about camera setting and lightning facilities. Prepare for the actual event (pre-production
16/03/2014 to 28/03/14
Phase Three

Production stage, shooting the music performances live. This going to be two days night shows and camera crew and the directors, and some producers will be work together in this stage.

There will be a discussion with   clients to finalize their last decision. If there are any changes to be done we can negotiate them if it is applicable according to our prior agreements.  

Post production

Hand in final production  (music DVD)
31/03/14 to  01/04/14


08/04/14 to 25/04/14


Production Schedule (time table)
Shake the world
Job/actions to be completed
Pre- production


Discussion before the post production

Post production

Final production

IV.     Budget

Description of Work
Anticipated Costs
Phase One
Foods and drinks

£  50.00
£ 150.00

Phase Two
Cameramen/women (2)
Photography Director

£ 500.00
£ 500.00

Phase Three
Post production

Editing room ( 2 days)
Editing director (2days)
Assistant editors  (2x2day)

 £ 700.00


V.      Key Personnel

List the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project, as well as other personnel involved in the project.



VI.     Evaluation

The team members will be discussing on all the production stages. In pre-production stage we will consider about our clients’ idea as well. Then we will be negotiating the procedure to do the best production for our clients. According to the progress of pre- production stage the production stage will be modified if necessary. And, we will evaluate about the quality and the expenses as well.
From the beginning we will consider about our evaluation comments and then we will improve our future production procedure.  The end of the production process our next target is editing the video and gets a good quality production. Then we will evaluate the whole process and the production.

VII.   Endorsements

Provide the names and addresses of individuals and companies who support and endorse the project.
Dock Street
+44 (0) 1642 333333
Flat 34, the Courtyard
Albert road
Access to higher education
Dock Street

VIII. Next Steps

Specify the actions required of the readers of this document.
·       Next Step 1
·       Next Step 2
·       Next Step 3

IX.     Appendix

Provide supporting material for your proposal here.

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