Friday 28 February 2014

short stories

Go to your blog listhearts were crying
hearts were crying
no tears  .. no deep breaths

Thursday 27 February 2014

I was asked to write

Moon, moon don’t go away
I am dreaming
Not just dreaming
Happy in my reverie
Moon, moon do you know
This is a secret..
It can be shared only with you

We were at the corner of the building
My love and I
It was the third floor
The river Tees was beautiful
She was flowing
Being kissed by light breezes
He was in front of me
We were looking at each other
I broke the silence
He was encouraging
I felt so comfortable
He cared for me in my sadness
While my heart was breaking
Laying before him my miserable soul
Then he began to speak
I listened
His voice broke up
Oh! My dear
I was crying
I was helpless
When I saw a little star
A tiny light in the dark night sky
Inviting us to come through the Milky Way

He kept sighing
I kept crying
River Tees was ever flowing
Small star ever shining
We were fading
It was time to apart
Dear moon, dear moon
Don’t go away
I am dreaming
I am dreaming
Of the shadows which are our souls?

Friday 14 February 2014

on line Distribution for Digital video production


 ‘Copy (data) from one computer system to another or to a disk’.((
The tech terms computer dictionary describe downloading as ‘This is the process in which data is sent to your computer. Whenever you receive information from the Internet, you are downloading it to your computer. For example, you might have to download an upgrade for your computer's operating system in order to play a new game (especially if you are using Windows). Alternatively, you might download a demo version of a program you are thinking about buying from the software company's Web site. The opposite of this process, sending information to another computer, is called uploading.’ (
According to free on line dictionary download define as ‘transfer (software or data) from a computer to a smaller computer or a peripheral device.  (
‘Downloading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually smaller computer system. From the Internet user's point-of-view, to download a file is to request it from another computer (or from a Web page on another computer) and to receive it.’ (

World English dictionary says ‘a file transferred onto a computer from another computer or the internet to copy or transfer (data or a program) into the memory of one computer system from a larger one)
‘The same dictionary define download as a verb to copy or transfer (data or a program) into the memory of one computer system from a larger one’ (

Computing Dictionary define downloading as ‘To transfer data from one computer to another. Downloading usually refers to transfer from a larger "host" system (especially a server or mainframe) to a smaller "client" system, especially a microcomputer or specialised peripheral, and "upload" usually means from small to large.
Others hold that, technically, download means "receive" and upload means "send", irrespective of the size of the systems involved.
Note that in communications between ground and space, space-to-earth transmission is always "down" and the reverse "up", regardless of size. So far, the in-space machines have invariably been smaller; thus, the upload/download distinction has been reversed from its usual sense.
JargonFile   (2003-11-04)          (

Modem is needed for downloading a file.  It will take about three minutes for a downloading. Once we finish the downloading, it will be in a folder. (Download folder) all the programs are under a company’s name for downloading. To download some programme such as music and film, we have to use some other software like real player, YouTube mp3 converter ect. .
In general it is understood that downloading mean receive a file. In addition, uploading means send a file. Downloading is a best way to use data or other entertainment (songs, films ect) repeatedly. It gives a chance to re- use the data without any time or space limitations. To process the downloading task we have to have internet facilities.

The free encyclopaedia defines streaming as ‘Jump to: navigation, search
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. Its verb form, "to stream", refers to the process of delivering media in this manner; the term refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than the medium itself’

According to Website team (12th October 2012) ‘Streaming means listening to music or watching video in ‘real time’, instead of downloading a file to your computer and watching it later’
When it is streaming we do not need to download the file. It will help us to save space of the pc as we don’t need to download the program. We can just watch or listen to it. Different program and devices respond in a different way for streaming.
According to web definition, ‘Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. Its verb form, "to stream", refers to the process of delivering media in this manner; the term refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than the medium itself.’

Example for streaming

Example of streaming
Streaming is an advantage for people who do not have enough downloading facilities. With streaming facility, the client browser will have a chance to watch the video or listen to the audio before the entire file has been transmitted.
 Streaming media can be identified as a video or audio content in compressed form over the internet. It can be played immediately and it is not necessary to saved to the hard drive.
This type of media is easy to use, as the user does not wait to download the file to play. The reason for this facility is media is already sent in continues stream of data. It can be played as it arrives. In this process, the user can pause, rewind, or fast-forward the clip.  Streaming media technology has improved significantly since although the quality of streaming content is still depend upon the users’ connection speed.

Progressive Streaming
One of a web definitions described progressive streaming as ‘A method of retrieving a LOB or an XML value from a database server in the most optimal manner by using Dynamic Data Format. See also Dynamic Data Format’

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Requirement of workinf to a client brief

Requirement of working to a client brief’

Explanation of the different types of briefs that are found in the creative sectors

·       Explanation of the different types of briefs that are found in the creative sectors

  • Explanation of how to identify and meet the requirements specified within a client brief
  • Explanation of how to negotiate the brief with a client
  • Explanation of the planning required to ensure that all requirements are met
  • Explanation of the importance of working with your client and delivering the product on time and within budget
  • Finally an explanation of the opportunities for self-development when working to a client brief

1.  Different types of briefs that are found in the creative sectors.
·       Contractual: This is a type of brief that is discussed between the two sets of people, both the client and the company. And also this is a legal document. It is a document which states the expectations of the client, the prices they agree on, as well as the payment terms. This gives an opportunity to the company to understand about the capability media company and also, Media Company can understand the idea of their client.

·       Commission: this includes the main things about the certain product. Target audience, purpose and message, budget, dead line should be included.

·       Negotiated: input of both sides is included in this step. Client and company do have their own ideas to share in this situation. It can be happened over the phone. An advantage to this type of brief is that it brings the ideas of the client and employer together, and merges them into one, creating a brief that is suitable for both the employer, as well as the client, which means that they are less likely to quarrel in the future over the terms of the legal agreement. A disadvantage is that when the client and the employer ‘negotiate’ their brief, they may come to a disagreement

·       Formal: This type of brief is a written document like a contract containing very accurate details about what needs to be achieved and sometimes how to achieve what the document is presenting and in this document we cannot find any unnecessary extra information. This type of brief is often aimed at groups of people than an individual. These types of work always happening inside offices.  

Informal: This type of proposals is  
Less professional than a traditional brief, where it outlines the project verbally, as this particular type of brief does not require any means of a written document. Client and employer will conduct discussion informally and they will come to a general agreement. This type of discussions is very free and employer will be allowed to include their opions. A disadvantage of this is the client will interfear with the ehos of the employer.

·       Commission: commission brief’ is where a large corporation, such as The Daily Mail, employ an independent company to create their product/project for them. It is notable that this type of brief is negotiated between two media companies, as opposed to an external client, who may receive the product once it has been established. When we have to work with children always we must ware about commission. And also, sometimes we have to consider about some people, places and occasions as well. We have to get permission in writing or by word to cover some events or places. An advantage of this type of brief is the employer will be paid highly as the client companies have a huge audience and getting a good feed back. A disadvantage for this might be that when the product has been launched, the large company may develop a sense of corporate greed, not giving the independent institution enough credit for their contribution, or paying them a sufficient amount of money for their hard work. This creates an unfair advantage, which may lead the independent business to complain to the large company, and will prevent them from working for the giant corporation in the future.

·       Tender:  in this brief, the client would produce an advertisement stating that they need media product to be created. Then an initial company such as Production Company would initiate a brief including budget and a proposal. In this situation the client has an advantage to choose the best production company as there are lots of companies and the competition is high. And also, because of the competition production company will do their best effort to offer the best proposal and they will show their best quality, experience ect..Disadvantage when it comes to a tender brief is that you’re not always the only client that the company has to deal with at the time and you might not be chosen as the final client.

·       Competition: in this brief any production company can access to the project. They have to participate to create a production. Each co-operation has to complete their brief and they have to out line their ethos as well. All of created work will be judged by a nominated board of judges and winners will be announced.

·       Comparative brief

Explanation of how to identify and meet the requirements specified within a client brief

When work with a client it is important to go through client’s ides and expectations. Contractual brief give an opportunity to client and the employer to discuss about the requirement of client. Content, structure and start date and end date everything should discuss with the client. It is important to give the priority to the client’s idea and aspirations as he has to pay for the work end of the project. However, if the employer does not consider about clients ideas and deadlines, the client will have a chance to reject the entire project though it has already completed. Therefore, it is necessary to make all the efforts to understand and meet the client’s requirements

Explanation of how to negotiate the brief with a client
Negotiate briefs are similar to formal brief. However, in this situation both client and the employer can make decision together by communication. Sometimes, they can exchange their ideas over the phone or interpersonally. It can be happened while the project is processing. If the employer needs to change anything such as a location or a picture, ect.. He can call his client and discuss about it. The same way, if the client needs to do any changes in to the project he can communicate with his employer over the phone or in person. This type of briefs is always progressing with negotiation. It is a good method to develop the ideas and meet the actual requirement of clients. But the disadvantage of this method is sometimes the client would interfere unnecessarily and it would be badly effect for the final outcome cost to the

Explanation of the planning required ensuring that all requirements are met
Employer (agency) and clients will get maximum productivity by developing a plan before engaging a project. When make the plan it is important to establish a successful start.  The planning process must have a begging mid-point and the end. End is the outcome of the whole process. It should be successful according to the plan.
Proving all the information needed for the client and the employer would establish a good working environment from the beginning. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that have met all the same expectations from the plan to accomplish in the future. .The more consistency and transparency between team members and, the more effective and productive your planning process will be’ (

Explanation of the importance of working with your client and delivering the product on time and within budget

Delivering the product on time is the most successful way win client hearts. Also it is important to get more work in the future from the relevant client and from the other clients as will. It will help to agency to promote their reputation and credibility. This is an advantage for both sides to promote their business and create the good will as well.
Budget is the other most important part in a brief. We should not exceed the budget and it is not a good practice to save money without getting a good production. And time management is the other most important section to be considered to deliver the product on time within the budget. To reach to this step, we have to consider about time planning of time, and planning of budget. To be successful we must communicate with our team and the employer regularly until we get our outcome.

To deliver the product on time and within budget is an easy task to if we can plan everything in advanced. We have to consider all the infrastructure resources and human resources as well. Planning and directing those two parts together we can do our project with fewer disadvantages. To be successful working with a client is not a difficult matter if we can make good decisions, do effective planning, practicing an effective control management system and maintain a good communication system.
Then the outcome will be successful and client will be happy. The feedback for the agency will be highly recommended and it will help them to grow their production company to reach to the higher level in the business and creative world.



