Thursday 27 February 2014

I was asked to write

Moon, moon don’t go away
I am dreaming
Not just dreaming
Happy in my reverie
Moon, moon do you know
This is a secret..
It can be shared only with you

We were at the corner of the building
My love and I
It was the third floor
The river Tees was beautiful
She was flowing
Being kissed by light breezes
He was in front of me
We were looking at each other
I broke the silence
He was encouraging
I felt so comfortable
He cared for me in my sadness
While my heart was breaking
Laying before him my miserable soul
Then he began to speak
I listened
His voice broke up
Oh! My dear
I was crying
I was helpless
When I saw a little star
A tiny light in the dark night sky
Inviting us to come through the Milky Way

He kept sighing
I kept crying
River Tees was ever flowing
Small star ever shining
We were fading
It was time to apart
Dear moon, dear moon
Don’t go away
I am dreaming
I am dreaming
Of the shadows which are our souls?

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